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The Violation of Nurse Mary Day Author: Lynda Brown
(Added on Mar 4, 2012) (This month 56416 readers) (Total 72335 readers)
An eye witness account of the massacre and rapes,commited by Japanese army soldiers at St. Stephen's Hospital, Hong Kong. on Christmas Day 1941.

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: joetex (Edit) Rating: Apr 3, 2012
Excellent piece of historic fiction based on an actual event. I looked for a long time to see if anyone had composed erotica based on the rape of the British nurses at St. Stephen’s College when the Japanese invaded Hong Kong. You have done a splendid job creating the atmosphere of genuine terror that would have been evident, fleshing out the story with characters to bring the rape to life. My only small suggestion (not a criticism) is that it might have been even more well rounded to have seen the rape of Nurse Mary Day through the eyes of one of her Japanese assailants. Then the reader could have seen inside the head of this soldier whose fevered libido became animalistic, and whose hormones told him “to breed and impregnate” when given this one-in-lifetime chance to despoil this British virgin who represented everything the Imperial Army despised. Nonetheless, even without this, you have written a memorable tale that can’t be duplicated. Please write more! (9/10)

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