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Last Rest Stop Before Hell Author: SoftGameHunter
(Added on Feb 5, 2012) (This month 58088 readers) (Total 73186 readers)
Samantha's rapists leave her at a truck stop. Help should be on the way, but what follows is much stranger than she could imagine. And she has no idea why.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (8/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: kemosabe (Edit) Rating: Feb 17, 2012
Not much sex but an interesting view of what the afterlife may hold. Don't try to read too much into the whys and wherefore's; just relax and go with the flow. (8/10)

Reviewer: Tavy (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2012
Although I too was slightly frustrated at not knowing what ‘crime‘ she had committed to deserve her punishment I do understand that the story is told from her point of view and her whole problem is that she seemed to have dismissed some incident from her mind. A well written story and I appreciated the idea of her strapped naked to the front of a speeding truck! (8/10)

Reviewer: Stephen Miletus (Edit) Rating: Feb 7, 2012
This story was well written, with hints to the intelligent reader about what ending to expect. In short, an adult episode from the old Twilight Zone/Outer Limits.
However (here I can't help but give away the ending, so if you haven't read the story, stop here) at the end I was left with no clear, understandable idea of why Samantha is suffering this fate. Although it is clear that she was killed in a mugging, just why she is subjected to repeated rides on the hood of a semi truck then left at a truck stop to be ignored then raped & violated is a mystery. From the hints in the story, I gather that she was inappropriately indifferent to some unshaven man, which led to his suicide ... but from what little I could elicit from the story, I was unclear just who he was. Was he a bum, a former lover, her husband, a blood relation? And her crime of indifference is likewise unclear -- was she simply a being a bitch, or did she do something clearly cruel? I understand she doesn't understand what she did to him was wrong, & I understand why this information needs to be implied, rather than explicitly stated -- she doesn't understand what she did wrong, & may never understand it -- but the story lacks enough information for an intelligent reader to understand. I don't know if her punishment properly fits her misdeed. And it doesn't help when one of the characters tells her she was kind to everyone except this one man; why was he the exception?
I really want to like this story, but this critical lack of information about why she suffers these torments -- beyond the possible attraction of a strap-a-naked-women-to-the-grill-of-a-semi fetish -- are done to her keeps me from giving this story a 10. (7/10)

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