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Headline: News Correspondent Laura Loghan Brutally Raped in Cairo (Yeah!! Yeah!! Fantastic!!) Author: Book of Evils
(Added on Feb 26, 2011) (This month 60527 readers) (Total 74842 readers)
She went there to cover the liberation of Egypt but became the story herself.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 5
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Weighed Average (?): (3.5/10)
Average Rating: (3.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: Petronius (Edit) Rating: Mar 15, 2011
Excellent take on current events. (10/10)

Reviewer: Nanami (Edit) Rating: Mar 6, 2011
Dude. Not cool. Taking pleasure in a person's ACTUAL suffering? This is the kind of thing that makes the whole kinky community look dubious. I think this work was written in very poor taste, and it's not very well-written either. (1/10)

Reviewer: Major Littmann (Edit) Rating: Mar 5, 2011
On reflection in view of the comments above I realise my original rating too generous as the whole thing is a badly thought through mess which gets progressively worse from a fairly good first paragraph. Inaccurate and Racist, Muslims would never gang rape a woman outdoors like that, pass her around from tent to tent maybe, chain her in a room, but not outside where the Omman could see, and the infidel cameraman would have been dead long before she was raped anyway. Hugely disappointing. (2/10)

Reviewer: lonewolf8 (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2011
I do not have a problem with the story being about an actual event. My feeling is actual events can be as erotic or more erotic for rape fantasy than some conceived out of pure fantasy, since the saying truth is often stranger than fiction holds true at least in today's often brutal and unpredictable world.
My problem is with the story itself, it's rather poorly written with little to no real sexually erotic theme,
Instead it just comes off as mean, brutal and misogynistic and nothing else. Granted any rape fantasy story could be labeled misogynistic, but this one is just brutal. There is no real sex description that is erotic or has merit.
Like another reviewer stated, after the first promising paragraph it wass all down hill.
I think this could have been so much better if the story had concentrated on actual events that occured and are alledged to have occured. So much of the real story is unknown, and that leaves it open for a great erotic rape fantasy story.
Had the writer written the story from an Egyption's point of view, say a cameraman hired to get footage it would have been better and more believable. I didn't buy the plot of the white infidel cameraman being allowed into the circle of Arab rapists.
If it was going to be shown through the eyes of her cameraman, it would have been far more effective to have him captured and forced to watch her debasement and humiliation and shown through his dibelieving eyes.
There is little description of logan's body, her feaures and emotions other than to say she's screaming or yelling. I didn't buy her toughness either during the assaults. In real life, when the crowd began slapping and pinching her I'm betting she was screaming bloody murder and begging them to stop, pleading, crying and praying for help.
Giving much more details of a prolonged sexual assault, the caning of her naked white infidel body and of various violations being done to her over and over would have been good.
I don't enjoy snuff much, and this was just gross and had no erotic flavor.
Sad. A missed opportunity.... (2/10)

Reviewer: monica_snatch (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2011
I'm giving this such a low rating because I believe it is a story that never should have been submiutted to this forum.
I find the story to be in bad taste, especially since the REAL victim's name was barely changed enough to distinguish her from the character in the story.
We all read in the news of the real story. I think it was unconscienable to call this a fictional story and post it here when it is based on real life facts. Plus, the celebration in the title is in extremely poor taste.
That alone was enough to turn me off the story. (1/10)

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