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The horrible torture of the story writer Author: Bitter Betty
(Added on Jan 24, 2011) (This month 53047 readers) (Total 66624 readers)
A woman submits a story to a BDSM website and is tortured by both the readers and the stories reviewers.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 13
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: wistan (Edit) Rating: Sep 12, 2011
For the life of me I can't work out why I got mentioned in that story. It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma and all that. Is she complimenting me, complaining about me? If so, why? Or are those just random names? Who can say.
As for the story - the complaint, rather... life is hard, Bitter Betty. If you're going to write, and you are going to put your work out there, you will get apathy from most and negative comments from most who do speak up. A constant stream of bad reviews pretty much goes with the territory.
I'd suggest you ask yourself who you are writing for. I don't write for the audience, I write for myself. If I get good reviews (which, luckily, I tend to on this site) then fine, and if I don't that's fine too - because I don't really care how others think it came out, I only care how I think it came out.
Write from your heart, for yourself and nobody else. Because hanging your happiness on the approval of others is a sure road to disaster. (6/10)

Reviewer: subalo (Edit) Rating: Mar 28, 2011
I would give higher marks, but the story as agreed is not as written. The tags listed have very little to do with anything you wrote here.
Also some of my favorite writers here have 1 or 2 really bad stories, write a few more and someone will like some of them. (5/10)

Reviewer: LJ66 (Edit) Rating: Feb 10, 2011
This is exactly what writers have to deal with.
I see the problem in registering to review a story. Had to register new, because my former registration seems to be lost during the update process. Even after 3 posted stories. But sometimes you get an email from a fan asking if you could write a story for him. And this is the reason for me to keep writing. (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 1, 2011
I'm going to hand out a tenner as well, although I've read a similar story elsewhere, or here, from another writer, can't remember exactly.
And with similar, I do mean exactly the same. I of course don't remember the exact choice of words in that other story; it coud even be identical and from the same author...
So, until it hits me, I'll stick with the ten score...
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: Snark (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2011
After reading some of the other comments and reflecting both on them and the story again, I decided to edit my review. I started writing in 1969. For those of you who attended government schools, about 6 or so years before our Brave Miss Betty was born. She spent two weeks on her story. I have spent that long sweating out an eight minute scene for a film script on a manual Underwood. That's a typewriter. (No spell check.) One story and your heart is broken. Either put on your alligator skin like the rest of the writers who have had to learn to improve...or find a bed to crawl under and a thumb to suck. I hope you do the former. And there are plenty of people who will help you to improve without subjecting you to the public scrutiny. They are called editors. Most of them will be far harsher than what you find here; but you can learn. This story indicates that you can string words together coherently. To me that means there is hope that you can become a better writer rather than a bitter writer. Writers face rejection. As do sales people and adolescent males. Having been all of the above; one can get over it. Pick yourself up and try again. Or just go pout. Welcome to life 201.
the Snark (10/10)

Reviewer: Losalt (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2011
Well, whatever your original story was, this one was new, and good.
I would recommend you to add the "Rated R" tag to the story though as there's no actual sex in the story (this is a site for erotic fiction after all)
Anyway, if you can keep up this quality then I'd like to read more of you in the future (if you're willing to write more for us)
Also, please ignore the 1/10 rating someone decided to give you.
You deserve better, at least 9/10 and perhaps 10/10
At any rate good luck whatever you may choose to do with your life from now :-) (10/10)

Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2011
Ah, hell hath no furry like a woman scorned. How have I wronged thee dear lady? Were my words harsh upon thine ears? Wouldst thou have me lie? Of what value wouldst my opinion be should I hearken to those who find value in mediocrity and cast thine standards to thy winds?
My name is Michael Alexander and I am no mere critic, but an author myself. I know what it is like to have your worked chopped to bits, to have it examined, pulled apart, insulted, and even condemned. And while my work today is usually given high marks, it has not always been so. I did what every true artist does: pick myself up, learned what I could from those who destroyed my work, and started again.
Writing is an art form, and one of the most difficult. I have reams of hand written doggerel I wouldn't show anyone else for anything. When I started, I wrote for myself. Now I have a paying audience who ten years ago wouldn't have bought a single paper from me.
For the life of me, I can't tell why you penned "The Horrible Torture of the Story Writer". Was it to castigate the readers for not leaving messages of congratulations, of orgasmic completion, of sexual oneness? Was it to tell the few individuals who frequently review, providing feedback and (what I hope) is helpful critique, that you did not appreciate their candor? Or were you merely blowing off steam because you're hurt?
I've noticed that some of my fellow reviewers have taken a single road in response to your chastisement. All have encouraged you to continue writing. I will not do so. Writing is a natural imperative and either you will continue writing because you must or you will abandon it. In either case, I care not.
I feel your pain. I can empathize. But if you can't stand the heat, get out of the water.
Yours Faithfully,
Michael Alexander
( (10/10)
Replied by: tjlewis132 (Edit) (Jan 27, 2011)
It's 'Get out of the kitchen'.. Criteria Harry S. Truman... 'Can't stand the heat... Get out of the kitchen'... J LEWIS
Replied by: Losalt (Edit) (Jan 27, 2011)
Well, my definition of art is something that stays on in the mind after you're done with the experience itself.
This story is still rather fresh on my mind so I don't know if it will last.
But it did make me think a bit and I have a hunch that this will last a couple of days at least.
If that is the case then I'd say that this is art.
As for how different people experience writing...
Why do they have to experience it the same way you do?
Is it possible that there's talents out there that don't 'have' to write but that 'want' to write instead? *shrugs*
I don't know, I'm no writer myself.
But as far as life experiences go I've generally done better when not generalizing then when I do.
Other then that, nice review a nice text/story :-)
Replied by: Michael247 (Edit) (Jan 28, 2011)
Mr Lewis - mixing metaphors is an author's prerogative. The fact that I had just gotten out of the shower when I wrote that little bit might have influenced my choice in metaphors... regardless, the sentiment stays the same.
Replied by: tjlewis132 (Edit) (Jan 29, 2011)
Mr. Alexander... Touchy, touchy considering your review. Showers can be cold or hot, the metophor for kitchens normally means just 'heat'... But then again, to each his own, just being a little light hearted. Remember, writers are supposed to have thick skins, right?
Replied by: tjlewis132 (Edit) (Jan 29, 2011)
Oops. sorry, typo... metaphor, not metophor, my bad.

Reviewer: areola_blush (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2011
I appreciated this post, Betty, and I wondered if it was just a little 'tongue-in-cheek'? I can understand your being miffed at having your story panned, but it's probably better than its being ignored altogether.
I don't know which story it is that you mention, but I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you are trying to convince yourself it was.
If it's important to you, keep writing; if not, why bother about bad reviews? You don't owe anyone anything and can come and go as you please - I hope you will stay a while longer and give it another try - and do let me know what the story was, or email it to me; I really would love to read it - I'm an awful writer and I'm sure there is much in it from which I can learn.
Chin up, Betty - it's not the end of the world.

Reviewer: robby (Edit) Rating: Jan 26, 2011
False advertising. (1/10)
Replied by: a.broadsword (Edit) (Feb 28, 2011)
Would you care to elaborate because to me this sums up exactly the pain I suffer when no one bothers to rate my work.

Reviewer: Miss Irene Clearmont (Edit) Rating: Jan 26, 2011
One of the most realistic stories posted! There is great satisfaction to be had from writing, posting and seeing your own name on the screen. Reviewers are rarer than ice in a desert and they are appreciated by autors because being noticed is often a greater satisfaction than being praised. Why the top rating... Because originality and realism can trump other considerations. Do not stop writing! (9/10)

Reviewer: nm.jayhawk (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2011
Dear Bitter Betty...first, I'll give you a 10 just for the originality of the work. Very well done. Personally, I have become a devotee of the J.D. Salinger school of writing: I write for myself and damn the public. I would encourage you to at least consider the same. If you truly enjoy writing, please don't deprive yourself because of some dolts you don't even know. I'm guessing that your skin is thick enough to endure the reviews of even the most hardened critics, but you can't suffer through being ignored; love me or hate me, but damn you, don't you ignore me. It's entirely permissible to write for your own enjoyment. This brief example showcases your talent; I would encourage you to become more self indulgent and cherish the fact that "they" don't know what they're missing. (10/10)

Reviewer: Major Littmann (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2011
Yes, it captures the torture of waiting for one's next masterpiece to be savaged by those with no writing talent or imagination who unjustly apply scores of less than 8/10 to the writer's masterpiece, or it is given it's just deserts by those who have the intelligence to recognise that an award of at least 10 is its birthright, or worst of all the hopeless wait for feedback for those stories which are ignored completely...
Dont forget the "Readers," are those who view the synopsis, not those who read the story, and that knowledge makes things far far worse and the only cure is for the writer to turn reviewer....and wreak vengance upon other innocents and so the cycle turns. Excelent Essay 10/10 (10/10)

Reviewer: tjlewis132 (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2011
Bitter Betty, I guess I take a certain kind of greatfullness that you would mention me as one of the better posters on the web site. As far as reviews, I seem to receive few compared to the large amount of readers I tend for what ever reason to draw. (Just check a few of my latest to see what I mean) Anyway, write for your own pleasure, have fun with the reviews and don't seem so disillusioned. Don't know what story you posted, but what the Hell, here's a 10 for the effort....Best regards, J LEWIS (10/10)

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