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School for Submissives Author: Abe
(Added on Mar 7, 2010) (This month 65086 readers) (Total 89560 readers)
A wife admits herself to a clinic for weight loss and attitude adjustment, involving "mortification of the flesh".

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 7, 2010
What makes this story stand out is that it is mainly told through conversations between the anta-/protagonists.
The things is, while this set-up works to the story's advantage, it at the same time works against it, due to the fact that the conversations are inconsistent. Inconsistent in the way that here, those dialogues are well worked out, while there, they're rushed.
One must also observe that a marriage before God (in a church) is possible between a catholic and a non catholic (meaning that the latter wasn't, for instance, baptized, or didn't follow catechism ((sunday-school))-- to be elligible to marry in church, there's four requirements; baptism, first and second communion and said catechism).
But, to still benefit from the payments of non christians, the Roman Catholic Church allows christians to marry with non-christians; only, the non christian isn't allowed in the church and stays outside. A go-between fetches the answers to some crucial questions the pastor requires, from the person outside, and verbally passes those answers to the pastor.
I still haven't quite figured out what happens when, finally, the pastor says "you may kiss the bride" and how the go-between fits in that picture.
Anyway, I found "School For Submissives" a nice read and a well written story (and a relief to see Abe has still "got it"). Just a pity then that some parts are rushed and a tad imbalanced due to the difference in scope of some of the conversations.
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Apr 1, 2010
"School for Submissives" is a quick fun read without much depth and a fairly consistent plot scheme. It's written well, with no errors or grammatical oddities that speak well of the author. While simplistic in its plot, you can in general overlook the plot holes and just let yourself seep into the little cell Eve is in. Overall, I rate it a pretty good eight out of ten. You can read a full in depth review at my blog: (8/10)
Replied by: Abe (Edit) (Apr 2, 2010)
My point in writing this story is not so much to make masturbation easier as it is to point out that, by current Roman Catholic doctrine, it is perfectly normal, even virtuous, for a wife to be submissive and masochistic. "She's not kinky; she's religious." If the philosophical justification of bdsm is not of interest, don't bother reading the story.

Reviewer: lesv (Edit) Rating: Mar 11, 2010
Fun read, simple to the point psychological adjustment. (9/10)

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