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Room 29 Author: Shabbadew2002
(Added on Aug 16, 2008) (This month 117513 readers) (Total 165003 readers)
In 1972, a young, female intelligence officer is subjected by the GDR’s secret police to their most extreme tortures.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 10
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Mar 4, 2011
Okay, I want to state here that I read "The Interrogation of a Mother and Daughter" before being advised by the author to read "Room 29". So here I am. And gosh, the word that is still going through my mind is "yuck".
As I stated in my review of the other story I reviewed, I found the whole "false pregnancy" thing totally revolting. It was about as sexual as... well.. watching a woman give birth. Granted, I recognize that we were there for the horror and pain of it, but gosh darn it, I lost my hard on at that point. And to be honest, the author is pretty damn lucky I read The Interrogation of a Mother and Daughter first or I would be nailing him to a wall for replicating a part of Room 29, almost verbatim, from exactly the same perspective, with no changes in ANYTHING. Yeah. I like watching the same movies over and over again.
That said, the author still has a pretty decent story. The plot vehicle is no where near as intriguing as his "Interview" story, but it works. I also liked the better detail and emotion presented in this 3rd person narration, over the "interview" answers provided by the two Stasi guards in "Interview". That's why I've given this story a higher rating. It built up the tension so much more completely.
Language wasn't bad. For the most part the sentences were compound, adding complexity and depth to the story. Scene Descriptions were well done and there was a decent balance between dialog and action.
My absolute favorite point of the story was when Nagel held up the thin leather strap and announced "I'm going to tenderize your holes". I could have stayed in that moment for AGES. Unfortunately, the author gave me five measly sentences. I WANTED detailed descriptions of the mess Nagel was making. I wanted to know how swollen her labia were. I wanted to HEAR the squelching sounds of her pussy being pounded by wet leather. I wanted to SEE the thin red lines along her petals. Oh well.
So in summary we have a well written tale that just didn't really do it for me. I guess if you get your jollies day dreaming about cute girls having their teeth drilled, then this is the right story for you. Or maybe you're a obstetrician, or a labor and delivery nurse and you've got issues, who knows? But no matter what, plastic babies and false pregnancies are still just going to make me say "yuck.
Yours Faithfully, Michael Alexander
Replied by: shabbadew2002 (Edit) (Mar 5, 2011)
Thanks for the review. I'm not surprised that Room 29 isn't for you either. I had suggested you sample my other stories since they emphasize sexual domination and humiliation.
Room 29 and its sequel are the first HARD CORE TORTURE stories I've written. I did them at the urging of fans and fellow writers like Mothbrad over at RPPStories.
Went to your website. Looks good. Cheers!
Replied by: Michael247 (Edit) (Mar 6, 2011)
Shabbadew - I guess I blew it then. I mean, I LIKE hard core torture stories, but plastic babies? Can you point me in the right direction then? I like your work. I really do, so which story do you think would best appeal to me?
Thanks for the words of appreciation on my website and blog. They're just a little over a year old and it's been a lot of fun. We'll see how it goes a year from now.
Yours Faithfully, Michael Alexander

Reviewer: StrictMasterD (Edit) Rating: Dec 9, 2010
All your stories are great, i also look foward to a new one (10/10)
Replied by: shabbadew2002 (Edit) (Dec 10, 2010)
Thank you. Torq has done a great job of getting the site back to normal, but they still need to delete Part 1 of this story. The "Part 2" is a story update; not a new chapter. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the great review. I have four new stories to post. Just been waiting for the site to get back to normal after the latest server crash.

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Dec 7, 2010
(Feb 5 2009)
Errors in German syntax and spelling.
"Fräulein Boyer, bin ich Haupt Braun," should be "...Ich bin Haupt Braun". With "bin" in front of "Ich" the sentence becomes a question.
The German word for rape is "vergewaltigen". "Rauben" is to rob. These are but a few examples.
Also, Boyer's cell is described as containing a bed, a toilet and a bucket of water, yet, when Nagel enters, he pulls-up a chair to sit...
But the story was okay.
Most errors are gone now, but others have crept in: "Zu einem bestimmten zeitpunkt. Ich werde sie vergewaltigen" should be "Zu einem bestimmten zeitpunkt werde ich sie vergewaltigen".
"Hold her" should be "Halt ihr fest" ("Halten sie" means "stop", just like "halt" but more personal).
"Ist hier ihr Baby" should be "Hier ist ihr baby".
For some reason, I liked the story a bit better than before... So adding a point.
JJ (8/10)
Replied by: searchndest2002 (Edit) (Dec 29, 2010)
There were a few errors in German.

Reviewer: Curtis (Edit) Rating: Apr 27, 2010
Thank you for reposting this. An inventive turn on a well-plumbed subject. (8/10)

Reviewer: susankarl (Edit) Rating: Aug 21, 2008
I liked the idea, most entertaining, a delightful torture few women could endure without losing their composure.
I hope you will proceed with further stories about other unfortunate ladies enduring cruel tortures in that splendid prison.
Susan. (8/10)

Reviewer: irishman112145 (Edit) Rating: Aug 18, 2008
Excelent. Keep up the good work (10/10)

Reviewer: JonMaddux (Edit) Rating: Aug 17, 2008
I loved it! The fake pregnancy was the highlight of your story! (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Aug 17, 2008
Outstanding (10/10)

Reviewer: kemosabe (Edit) Rating: Aug 17, 2008
A unique twist to an old plot. Well worth reading. (8/10)

Reviewer: Belpheghor (Edit) Rating: Aug 17, 2008
Eine wirklich klasse Story, Shabbadew.
Ich Danke dir für deine Mühe, dass du diese Story geschrieben hast.
Ich bin ein großer Fan deiner Storys.
Ich hoffe, du wirst noch viele solcher und ähnlicher Storys schreiben.
Belpheghor (9/10)
Replied by: searchndest2002 (Edit) (Dec 29, 2010)
A few errors in German, but not a bad story.

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