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Reformation: 2128 Author: Tanya Simmonds
(Added on Jun 26, 2008) (This month 63006 readers) (Total 73147 readers)
In this, the sequel to Reformation 2127, the masturbation law has created a new underground movement and subsequently a micro-biological compound known as "seedfaker;" an ingenious creation which "fakes" the number of sperm cells in the urine of males who are tested by female reformation law-enforcement officials. Upon learning of this, President Elena Sterling has introduced a truly sadistic and draconian penalty against any male who dares to buck the system with the use of "seedfaker."However, the tale concludes with a very intriging clff-hanger!

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Reviewer: topsfrombottom (Edit) Rating: Sep 2, 2008
Heh - unfortunately, i (erroneously) assumed that i had previously read '2727' - but had not. Though, i do promise to remedy THAT oversight immediately upon ending this review.
i must confess to a bit of trepidation at the thought of any M/f activity i may encounter in Your tales, as, frankly, (imho), anything other than absolute and totalitarian F/m only perpetuates the (time-proven) folly of the Gaia-raping poison known as 'patriarchy'. Again, please regard this as merely my own, humble opinion.
So, PLEASE, Sublime Lady - continue! i get such a (testosterone-addled) thrill, just IMAGINING the lengths You're likely to have our hapless hero going to, so as to prove his unwavering devotion & boundless appreciation to Womankind for his hinted-at 're-manning'.
In short, a flawlessly written, refreshingly grammatically-sound offering. Wow.
Mmmmm! This was a yummy read! i do SO love tales of Gynarchy! Thank You, again!
tfb.. (10/10)
Replied by: Tanya (Edit) (Sep 2, 2008)
Dear Mr Topsfrombottom
Thank you so much for your kind review. If you are interested, please email me at and I will provide you with some more specific information about the series.
Warm regards

Reviewer: bullfinch (Edit) Rating: Jul 3, 2008
An enjoyable take on a fantasy world. First class delivery of 'sexual joy'. More F/m, please. (10/10)
Replied by: Tanya (Edit) (Jul 3, 2008)
Dear Mr Bullfinch
Thank you so much for you kind review. I am truly stunned by the response that this one has had so far and it pleases me enormously that you have enjoyed it.
Warm regards

Reviewer: Falcon (Edit) Rating: Jul 1, 2008
Brava! While few of my sex would care to live in a real world like this, the fantasy is nonetheless delicious and titillating in the extreme! The story is helped enormously by the fact that both the lead male and the lead female character are sympathetic. (10/10)
Replied by: Tanya (Edit) (Jul 1, 2008)
Dear Mr Falcon
Thank you soooo much for you incredibly kind response to my recent tale. I truly hope that it brought enormous pleasure to you.
Delivering sexual joy to my readers is my primary objective. My only condition is that you are aware that I am not, in any way, an advocate of sadistic cruelty in reality.
My stories are works of fantasy and as a woman I can tell you that I TOTALLY endorse masturbation!
Love always

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